A. D. Cook

A.D. Cook is an internationally recognized, veteran artist whose career spans decades. He’s a self taught master, learning his craft at a very early age. He developed many different disciplines including drawing, painting, photography and sculpture adding airbrush to his repertoire 35 years ago.
In the late 1980’s, A.D. was the early marketing force behind the fast-growing Hollywood Video stores (Hollywood Entertainment Corporation), based out of Portland, Oregon. He created their corporate identity and brand, designed the look-and-feel of the first stores and painted hundreds of large-scale murals of Hollywood stars and personalities. His successes with Hollywood Video led to a career as a marketing and art director for a number of other widely recognizable brands including PIAA, Crimson Trace Corporation, Bushwacker and Iwata Medea.
Today, he has broad recognition as a pioneer in the airbrush world. His original paintings have been featured on the covers and in the pages of magazines, trade journals and books. He has taught art in workshops and colleges. A.D. Cook’s original paintings on canvas and metal are internationally recognized masterworks. He has exhibited his originals and reproductions in fine art galleries from coast-to-coast and was well received at ArtExpo in New York in 2007. While many genres of art appear in his portfolio, figurative pieces are his specific focus and expertise. He’s been commissioned for a number of paintings for a discreet clientele.
A recent filming for a Playboy Chanel episode of their new series “King of Clubs” features A.D.’s body painting prowess. For the episode, he hand painted ten Palomino Club dancers in their changing room. Each dancer carried a theme like “Daisy Duke” or “Dominatrix” then they were filmed “working” the club in their new body-paint. It was a record-breaking evening for attendance in the club’s recent history. Body painting has been one of A.D. Cook’s specialized talents since 1982.
Also an accomplished figurative photographer, A.D. Cook has received numerous OneModelPlace Showcase Awards. He’s been a Platinum Plus member of OMP since 2003. Versatile photographic styles with studio and natural environments are within his acumen.
Currently residing in Las Vegas, Nevada, A.D finds inspiration in the flood of imagery and the stimulating pace that permeates the city.

A. D. Cook Fine Art


18” x 24”
Acrylic on canvas

36” x 36”
Acrylic on canvas


48” x 36”
Acrylic on canvas


18” x 24”
Acrylic on canvas