I knew at the age of 3, I was going to be an artist. As I learned more about handling the various media, I was introduced to oil paints from a paint-by-number kit I received as a Christmas gift. Because I was only 5 at the time, I failed to complete the complex composition. But I fell in love with the liquid, workable paint that was unlike anything I had worked with.

When I was 10, my Great Grandmother gave me art supplies that my late great aunt had left behind. I thought I had been given gold for in that small collection were several partly used tubes of oil paint and brushes. I was on my way now that I had real equipment.

When I went to university, I choose commercial art, (now called graphic design) knowing I would need some way to earn a living. I soon realized that art was where I wanted to be and I would find a way to make money. I eventually made a successful living as a, you guessed it, graphic artist. But due to my art education, I was able to offer my clients so much more.

Still, I felt the need to pursue art. I knew I was good. I had always been in the top of my art classes. When I decided to move to Oregon, I was determined to see where art would take me. That was 35 years ago. I still search for the defining masterpiece inside me. It seems that artists are driven by this desire to reach the ultimate expression of their talent. I have matured late, but like good wine, that's not a bad thing.

CONTACT me today and let's talk about your next project.

EARLY WORK Girl with Red Scarf Girl with Red Hat

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